K-ON! Beat-Em-Up
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Progress Reports

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Progress Reports Empty Progress Reports

Post  quaddle Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:03 am

August 22nd

1. Positions Assigned
a. Dudebro is in charge of art. Khwan is helping him.
b. Doc12345 is in charge of writing
c. Enen is working on the HUD (needs to add character portraits)
d. Kurai801 is working on a background and music
e. CeruleanBlue is also working on music
f. Makaseo is remixing My Love Is A Stapler
g. Letterfag got his ass handed to him by Stray in Final Fight 3. Also, he’s deciding on the fighting system and possible enemy types and variations (including level size and navigation).
h. Quaddle is the incredible bookkeeper who does everything from moderating the forums to keeping track of what everyone is doing and passing along messages to writing progress reports and assigning jobs.
i. New recruits: CeruleanBlue, Sen

2. Dudebro makes an idle and jumping animation for Yui.
a. Presented the frames (sprites) in a transparent spreadsheet
b. Still uncolored; will be edited later
c. Sent them to Capac

3. Capac completed the sprite animation switching in the engine and decided on a resolution for the game (1024x768).
a. All image formats being worked with are png.
b. Put Dudebro’s sprites into the game.
c. Compiled another demo with Dudebro’s sprites and running animation (going to add the ability to turn around later).

4. Doc12345 is going to take the wiki wishlist, forum posts, and his own ideas and try to combine them into one story.
a. This plot will be posted somewhere and critiqued by other writers, who will leave comments and also be able to contribute their own ideas.
b. Everybody will funnel their ideas toward Doc12345 and other writers in th IRC, instead of throwing around ideas on /a/ or in the forum.

5. Gameplay and Other
a. 4 Enemy Types Per Stage
b. Confirmed first stage is Sakura High School; this is the stage we're going to focus on right now!
c. Battle system is: Basic melee attack and a special attack (more will be added later)

6. To Do
a. Decide on a story/plotline/sequence of events
b. Decide on what levels to include along with bosses
c. Update wiki since we’ve removed ideas like instrument damage and Guitar Hero combos.

If you aren't mentioned here, that means I don't know what you did on August 22nd. Post whatever you've done so that it can be added to the report. This list is meant to be used as reference and to keep track of our progress. Some of you may be surprised to find out that we actually are getting things done. I'll try and post these reports every day so that we're constantly updated on what's been happening. If you want to help out somehow with the game, get in the IRC, we always have jobs available.

Last edited by quaddle on Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:27 am; edited 3 times in total


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Progress Reports Empty Re: Progress Reports

Post  quaddle Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:14 pm

August 23rd.

1. Programming
a. Capac is putting in Enen’s Ritsu sprite.

2. Art
a. Enen has completed a colored sprite of an idle Ritsu and made a spritesheet to send to Capac.
b. Dudebro has colored in and edited his Yui idle sprite (along with a corrected right-handed Gitah).
c. Kurai has submitted one version of a background and is proceeding to edit it.

3. Music
a. Some youtube links and songs to use/remix were thrown around in the IRC. See IRC transcript if you’re curious.
b. Ceruleanblue – K-ON Tsubasa o Kudasai
c. Kurai801 – NO, Thank You mix completed. Now working on looping.

4. Story
a. Writing has shifted to GoogleDocs. Our entire staff is able to contribute ideas and write in the document. We got more brainstorming done and organized our ideas. There was also lots of family bonding and group hugs among the staff.

5. Gameplay
a. Quaddle has posted some guidelines in the Levels Thread for the first stage in the game. Anyone who wants to help out with level design can submit their drawings and maps to the forum.
b. Jun attacks – French bread baseball bat (as seen in that one episode); butt slam
c. For Yui’s attack – An overhead, double-handed guitar smash might be best to avoid have to draw two attack sprites (before, it was a guitar swing).
d. LETTERFAG BEAT STRAY IN FINAL FIGHT 3 WOOOOOOOOOOO. He also categorized fucking everything in the Final Fight 3 game.

Last edited by quaddle on Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:04 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Progress Reports Empty Re: Progress Reports

Post  quaddle Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:15 pm

August 24th

1. Programming
a. Capac has posted a development to-do list that can be seen here. Programming the engine continues as usual.
b. Enen's HUD has been added to game by Capac.
c. Scrolling has been fixed so that it follows the character.

2. Art
a. Dudebro has produced a small demo of a colored Yui running right.
b. Dudebro is working on the sprite of Yui running left.
c. Kurai801 and Dudebro made a background. It is currently in editing so that it loops. Props will be added to it as time passes.
d. Enen is working on editing Ritsu’s sprite face.

3. Music
a. Kurai801 has produced several mixes of K-ON tracks that can be seen here. She is currently working on making loops of the songs.
b. Ceruleanblue continues working on Tsubasa o Kudasai.
c. First stage music semi-confirmed: Curry Nochi Rice Mix by DJ Kurai801.

4. Story
a. Numerous additions made by head writer Doc12345 to the nekomimi storyline. They can be read here (it's in the first post, he edited it).
b. The script will continue to be edited by him and the rest of the staff.

5. Gameplay
a. Level Design thread here. This is to decide enemy placement, strength, traps, level navigation, etc. If you are creative and have some ideas, read the guidelines/parameters that Quaddle and Doc12345 have posted, then get to creating!


Last edited by quaddle on Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Progress Reports Empty Re: Progress Reports

Post  quaddle Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:22 pm

August 25

1. Programming
a. Capac continues development of the engine as usual. Attacks/collision stuff will be started tomorrow.

2. Art
a. Dudebro has completed colored animations of Idle Yui and Running Yui (both directions). He’ll work on making attack animations next.
b. Enen has redrawn Idle Ritsu’s face to a style more similar to the show. He has nearly completed her running animation.

3. Music
a. DJ Kurai801 continues to mix more songs for the game. She has also added several touches to her mix of Curry Nochi Rice, which will be used for the first stage of the game, Sakura High School. Currently working on U&I. She is now head music director for the game. The song mixes can be seen here.
b. Ceruleanblue continues to work on Tsubasa o Kudasai.

4. Story
a. Doc12345 and Quaddle have completed the introduction, along with some starting dialogue for the first two levels. They will work together on the story while the rest of the staff critiques.

5. Gameplay/Development
a. Doc12345 has suggested holding PR sessions on /a/ once a week to show progress on the game. Quaddle will be the PR representative, but all the staff will be there too (name/tripfagging).
b. Dudebro made this piece of awesomeness: http://megaswf.com/serve/40541/
c. Shinoxd44 - sound effects.


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Join date : 2010-08-18

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Progress Reports Empty Re: Progress Reports

Post  quaddle Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:43 am

August 26th

1. Programming
a. Capac continues development of the engine. Supposedly working on attacks/collision stuff.

2. Art
a. Dudebro is continuing to work on sprites like Ritsu and Yui's attack animations.

3. Music
a. DJ Kurai801 continues to mix more songs for the game. Songs can be heard here.
b. Ceruleanblue supposedly continues to work on Tsubasa o Kudasai.

4. Story
a. Doc12345 has submitted storyboards for the presentation of the visuals and dialog in the game.
b. Quaddle has continued to write dialog and cut scenes while listening to feedback from Doc12345.

5. Gameplay/Development
a. The first PR session on /a/ will be held tomorrow, Friday, and will show our progress on the game. All the staff will be there (name/tripfagging).
b. Here is the demo Dudebro made: http://megaswf.com/serve/40541/
c. [I forgot what I wanted to put here.]
d. Shinoxd44 - sound effects pack #1 for Yui submitted. More will come within the week.

Last edited by quaddle on Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:29 am; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2010-08-18

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Progress Reports Empty Re: Progress Reports

Post  quaddle Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:14 am

August 27th

1. Programming
a. Capac continues working on attacks/collision stuff.
b. We have two new coders joining us: Arkay and Lattyware.

2. Art
a. Dudebro is continuing to work on sprites like Ritsu and Yui's attack animations.
b. New recruits: Featherine

3. Music
a. DJ Kurai801 continues to mix more songs for the game. Check out the music section to give them a listen.
b. New recruits: Featherine
c. A song checklist would be nice.

4. Story
a. Quaddle continues writing the plot and dialog, while Doc12345 submits feedback and edits.

5. Gameplay/Development (oh boy, here we go)
a. The first PR session on /a/ was held today. Screencaps and a trailer were shown, courtesy of Kurai801, Doc12345, and Dudebro. It was a great success, we've recruited several new team members and made our project known to all of /a/. Doc headed the session, with good results. The plan is to hold these sessions once a week.
b. Quaddle has been promoted to Forum God Admin and has opened several new sections and reorganized the forums a bit.

Last edited by quaddle on Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:00 am; edited 1 time in total


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Progress Reports Empty Re: Progress Reports

Post  quaddle Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:46 am

August 28th

1. Programming
a. Programmers keep on programming.
b. Capac stopped by the GoogleDoc and killed himself after seeing the atrocity.
c. Lead programmer currently wanted!

2. Art
a. Dudebro's plans - redo Yui; make Yui's attack sprites; make Mugi + Ritsu sprites
b. Khwan - attack animation sketches for Yui
c. ZealKing - Mio Idle sprite
d. Quaddle - Corrected spelling on logo, several edits still needed

3. Music
a. Kurai801 - Works continues on Fude Pen, Cagayake, and an OST song. Is it easy work? No, it's hard work, so when she arrived in the IRC room, the project heads had a surprise. We told her that we know it's hard, and we let her rest after she came in. Also, tsun~tsun~

4. Story
b. Quaddle habla espanol muy bien. Chequea mis dobles. En este momento, DocUnoDosTresCuatroCinco esta borracho y no se encuentra.

5. Gameplay/Development
a. Khwan's logbot fucking sucks and died twice. Stick to drawing!
b. We got a youtube bot that talks.
c. Somehow we got more work done than usual.


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Join date : 2010-08-18

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Progress Reports Empty Re: Progress Reports

Post  quaddle Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:20 am

August 29th

1. Programming
a. Capac is still dead. Please come back! Capac has been revived and is working hard! Keep up the good work!
b. Lattyware and Arkay are doing some programming I guess.

2. Art
a. Work on sprites continues as usual.

3. Music (songs + audio)
a. More being pumped out by Kurai801 and Featherine. See their checklist.

4. Story
a. Quaddle writes the story…all alone ;_;

5. Gameplay/Development
a. We got taken over by someone (you know who you are!). He helped us fix up the IRC and then Lattyware hooked us up with another channel specifically for Devs! Thanks a bunch, you guys~!
b. Meeting planned for tomorrow. Developer heads and writers only!

Last edited by quaddle on Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:20 am; edited 1 time in total


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Progress Reports Empty Re: Progress Reports

Post  quaddle Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:19 am

August 30-31

1. Programming
a. Music support added to game.
b. Fixed logo added to game.
c. Capac hints at .exe release of the demo. We'll keep an eye out.

2. Art
a. Yui Idle (Both Ways) Completed - dudebro. He's working on the other sprites of Yui like attacks and running. After he's done with those, Yui's will have been completed. We're all looking forward to it, the stuff he's shown us is looking pretty sick. Great job, dudbrew.
b. Ritsu Idle (Right) Completed - enen; he's working
c. Welcome to the team, Squeegee! We're looking forward to your work on the cutscenes!

3. Music
a. Kurai801, thanks for that video~!
b. Also, very great job on doing most of the music for the game, kurai, and also big thanks to FeatherineAurora for helping out by contributing songs. This aspect of the game is going by pretty quickly thanks to their efficiency; they're close to finishing.

4. Story/Gameplay
a. Quaddle will rewrite some scenes over the next few days, and dialog will be edited to reflect a more natural flow of speech. Some spoilers will also show up on the wiki! Speaking of which:
b. Expect the wiki to be updated soon. You guys have been seeing an outdated source on game info, and you might think we haven't been getting much done. Well, we don't want you guys to get confused, so Quaddle will update that too.

5. Development/Other
a. Devs discussed the attacks the girls will use. Some good ideas were put down, good work guys.
b. Quaddle is working on another trailer for the game.
c. Sen has submitted level design parameters for things like enemy number, trap number, etc.

As August comes to a close, we want to thank everyone who's been helping out with the project. Good work, everyone, and thanks to those who are supporting us. We've still got a bunch to do, obviously, but the project has actually gotten past the lift-off stage. There's little to say, except we've gotten ourselves organized and are hard at work making this game a reality. Lots of progress has been seen, and we development has come a long way over these past weeks. Expect to see more tidbits of the game during September. Remember: If you want to join the team, you are welcome to contact us through the forum or the IRC Channel (#k-on-fighter on Rizon)!

K-ON: Za Geemu Dev Team


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Join date : 2010-08-18

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Progress Reports Empty Re: Progress Reports

Post  quaddle Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:17 pm

September 1-3

1. Programming
a. Arkay has released an .exe with a fixed title screen, music, and Dudebro’s completed Yui sprites along with Enen’s Idle Ritsu. Enen’s HUD is also included.

2. Art
a. Dudebro has finished his redone Yui sprites and animations. These include a running animation, an attack animation, and idle animations.
b. Khwan has made a sketched sprite and animation of a teacher walking. He is currently making fixes/editing it.
c. Quaddle redrew the cassettes to be used as graphic bumpers and Dudebro made backgrounds to accompany each one. Colors need to be selected.
d. Stealthsu has been working on Azusa sprites. He’s now started animations.

3. Music/Audio
a. Kurai and Featherine continue to release retro songs. See checklist for more details.
b. Niku delivers some guitar smash sound effects to go along with his sampled voice-pack.

4. Story
a. Quaddle is re-writing dialogue and changing certain parts of the story to reduce redundancy and keep a consistent flow.

5. Development/Gameplay
a. Playable character’s regular/specials are nearly done. Enemy attacks are now being decided.


Posts : 33
Join date : 2010-08-18

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